Faml blog#11
Today's blog is on some different versions of active
parenting. Active parenting well allow us to spend more time addressing a
child's needs and thus less time needed and dealing with misbehavior.
All children have a desire for contact and belonging. Under
contact, we have the offer freely a positive reinforcement, teach the child to
contribute, choices and consequences, response and ability, assertiveness-
forgiveness, and skill building.
Some children use a mistaken approach to control others,
have rebellion, sacred benge or have undue avoidance. One of the interesting discussions was based upon the mass center in
the brain will not develop if the child has inconsistent caregiving.
A short discussion was held on why it's hard to teach
forgiveness. Along with this is the overuse of the word sorry. This follows my
own understanding and that it seems that people say I'm sorry when they have
just met you or have no idea of what it really means. When I was a customer
service Rep one of the training items that we went over is to apologize when
somebody called in with a complaint. This was to hopefully to diffuse the
situation and bring the conversation under a controlled objective without Angry
reply by the customer.
Sometimes a child will have undo attention seeking in which
they will do things even though they know it will be a negative correction for
response. The teacher mentioned a NICU unit that had higher responses from one
section of the complex compared to the other, they with the fact that they had
two hospitals with one ward having better response by the patients then the
other half of the ward. The administrators tried switching doctors, nurses and
yet the one section always had higher markings for responses by patients. In
the end it was discovered that there was a cleaning lady that was working in
the building that would hold the inference up giving them attention and talking
to them. When she was transferred to the other section of the building it was
discovered that it was her actions that caused the positive responses in the
Another area study was Popkin’s problem handling model. The
teachers stressed that under the pot 10s model that there are kids who are not
getting the attention they desire therefore they turn to undo attention seeking
activities and at times do obnoxious things in order to get attention. He gave
the example of one young man in his ward that leaped up over his head and he
without thinking threw him to the ground. The teacher then started after that
deciding to make specific attention to that child and at church he always
greeted him several times shaking his hands making contact with him to let him
know that the teacher was thinking of him and giving him time and encouragement.
We should therefore be offering contact freely within our
home environment another thing that should be done is to teach children to
contribute. Children can learn to help around the house with tangible things
that will help out the entire family or one particular person in the family.
This is the time that the child also learns to be responsible to their siblings
in a positive role manner. Kids that learn to contribute make better marriage
partners or roommates.
What are the examples that the teacher gave was when he was
teaching a parenting class to prison inmates. It was interesting because when
the teacher had a introduction done by each prisoner and how long they were in
for the total time came to 900 years. When the teacher asked the prisoners why
they are taking the class because they would not be getting out before their
kids reached adulthood the prisoners made replies that they had messed up their
lives and up their kids lives but if they could make any type of difference or
impact that they could have on their kids or grandkids, they wanted to be able
to do so, because nothing else mattered.
One of the areas covered with the five secrets of
communication which is available in active parenting resources online. There
are other areas in the Book of Mormon including first Nephi, the first five
chapters and also Alma chapter 39-42.
It is not necessarily easy to be a parent but with the resources
available and a patient and understanding personality the parent (including
grandparents) Ken perform neutering and a active parenting environment for
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