My name is Earl (not that TV show). This is the start of my blog for FAML 160 to which I will be adding posst as I learn stuff in class. First class is Tuesday 9/13/22 8am.


  1. Here are some of my classmates blogs that you should find of interest;

    1. Added classmates;

    2. few more classmates;

  2. I will add added links as they are posted.

    I'm getting ready for my first blog that is due Saturday for class. Please bear with me as blogging is new to me.

  3. This will be starting the first of a weekly blog post about family relationships and the things that I am learning in my class. I hope you will get some insight from my thought patterns and what I am learning.
    This past week we discussed the subject of social science research based upon the scientific method the Blog #01
    scientific method. The scientific method consists of three areas, first is perception, second as memory, and the third, testimony (authority). This can make learning and belief an intentional rather than automatic process. This would lead to a lifelong process of being wise, thoughtful and intentional in all important decisions and beliefs that we develop.
    While doing this we need to make sure that we are learning and challenging our beliefs and tension lately rather than rather than automatic. Space thoughtful and intentional in all important decisions and beliefs that we come too.
    Under the scientific method there are some areas of caution for research that we will be reviewing. One is sampling, under this category would be the comparison with a control group. The control group forms the basis of what we are going to compare the study group against. It is the group that will be maintained two see if there is a change from the group that we are studying against the control group. An area that we need to be careful of is terminology, being careful with the terms and their definitions. Another area is what is referred to as researcher bias, where are some patterns or thoughts that the researcher has put into this study that would create a bias. We also need to make distinction on what the core of the research topic is to be. This would allow us to then word our hypothesis, choosing our experimental subjects and also choosing our controls. We would need to list our choice of controls for the study along with this we would have to determine what the method of observations is to be. Following this we would need to have some outline on data collection and analysis. We need to determine their sample size, their control groups, the hypothesis being tested.
    Keeping in mind that, yes, statistics can be found to “lie at times”. At the closing of study, we must have interpretation of the data and follow that up with publication of the results. An important thing to remember is publication of results normally will have a time lag from the study to publications (which can take approximately 2 years).
    While doing a review of study we need to make sure that we do not confuse correlation against causation. Correlation does not imply a causation.
    1. At the start of this study (or review of a study) we would need to state the purposes of the study, and review area called Epistemologies; which is how do we know what we know; ie Epistemologies =the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
    . Within is perception, reason, memory, and authority. We need to be questions intentional and not make assumptions. We need to know how we will test them. With people there are variables that are invisible and can result in biases. Research design means what questions are you going to ask. We also need to determine an area of how to measure this study. Some of this can be done by an Likert scale using numerical values for example 1-5 or higher or a description such as disagree, agree, strongly agree, and so forth.


  4. There may be some ethical challenges that can arise in study one resulting from compassion and consciousness of the things we are doing. There was also discussion on a convenient sampling (“a method of collecting samples by taking samples that are conveniently located around a location or Internet service”). vs random sample (“A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen”). Random sample is best but do to nature of sampling group may not always be achievable.
    We need to be savvy consumers of social sciences and family research, while reviewing the case studies paying attention to areas of concern, as we review studies or reports.

  5. This is my blog post #2 on family 160. Why are thanks to remember that we are to savvy consumers of social science and family research. and doing so we need to be aware of trans please that can affect the research. We need to be aware of variables that where we collect that would be reflected in the research as we study the case is being presented. While doing so we need to they consider it of the row of theories and why they apply.
    Family dynamics. This theory attempts to explain any kind of phenomena (consistent change, activity, etc) and can help get us closer to the truth. Analysis of facts where there is an attempt to get at the why and how; perhaps they example of this DNC 93; 22 , with emphasis on versus 12-13 and 14 being filled with light and truth. Verse 24 also shows truth is knowledge of things as they are, as they were or as they shall become. Theory can help us be closer to the truth., theory helps therapist. With a history of relationships together we have mappings that can be shown in a chart with a square a chance each corner they sort of you and circle age perhaps says bottom of screen like parentheses.
    Symbolic theory; is a person acts or behaves based on interpretation of meaning.
    Our Past experience can affect psychology- changing our thoughts on theories. Theories are not mutually exclusive. They can be of help in understanding phenomena though.
    Exchange Theory: there's an emphasis of “you owe me”. This is going to be shown in a diagram of a rod beam balanced by a pole in the center and a triangle at each end of bar (like a balance beam) similar to that of a tightrope walker. This theory is based upon the fact we all attempt to keep our cost lower than our rewards in a interaction with inherent cost referring to such things as time, money, emotional or intellectual energy with a rational assessment of relationships.
    Conflict theory is high on social media at the present time. When you have two individuals you can have conflicts with those conflicts either helping or hindering the relationship. Through these conflicts you can receive information that can be explored with options because of the conflict and conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing. It depends on how the people interact with each other and the direction that they take and resolving their conflicts
    . There is not always a factual thought. It doesn't mean that theories can or not be useful, but we should be very careful as we use them family systems theory as a result that assessment is greater than the sum of the parts. The system can be driven by rules either unspoken or spoken the feedback on this type of system giving positive feedback versus negative feedback. Family rules cannon Spire your family and how you and now react to each other an example of this as in my family there were two boys and two girls and one of the unspoken rules was that the two boys sat on one side of table the two girls sat on the other side of the table with mom and dad on their respective headed but at the table.
    Structural family therapy: Family system therapists generally recognize that some forms of the family are healthier than others. The best is when mom and dad are both at home.
    There can be stress resulting from family transition through the life cycle if internal family pressure exists. It seems that great marriages are not the norm. A great family is not normal, in fact it is abnormal.

    As noted, Theories cand help some of the things we see, hear, and observe. I have not gone into more detail due to constraints of blog length. If you want to go into more detail, please comment.


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