
Showing posts from November, 2022
  Faml blog #10   The peer reviewed article I chose to review for this blog post on bother relationship to children is the following;   This study includes 2,970 U.S. families who participated in the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study. The father involvement at age 1, and child reports of father-child relationship quality at age 9. Involvement with fathers during childhood was positively associated with the father-PGF relationship at child age 1, which in turn was associated with greater father involvement at age 1. More father involvement at age 1 was associated with child reports of better father-child relationships at age 9. The pathways from PGF involvement during fathers’ childhood and father-PGF relationships at age 1 to father-child relationship quality at age 9 were fully mediated by father involvement at age 1. During this study 50% of the children studied were of non Hispanic-black population. 25% we
  Blog post #9 Today's post starts out with the area of the problems of communication, we have thoughts and feelings; from there to encode; through media;   dencode to the thoughts and feelings again. This is the area that we'd have a pathway between two individuals going. One of the figures quoted in class was that words make up 14% of communication whereas tone make up another 35% of communication and nonverbal communication makes up 51%. It would seem that the majority would be in nonverbal communication which is one of the reasons that we need to ask direct questions to another party to make sure that we understand just what it is that they are saying/talking about. There were several areas covered in class with one of them being “the 5 secrets of effective Communications.” This starts with the abbreviation of E= empathy; A= assertiveness; R= report. Within the empathy heading there's a technique used called disarming technique. This is where we find some truth
  Blog Post 08   Families under stress. There are nine important type of stressors in a family and they can be tensions between family members,   parent child relationships, marital strains, pregnancy, childbearing, finances, business, work, family transitions and strain, illness and family care strains, family loss (This can include loss of a friend or breakdown in a relationship) , family moving in and out of the home and family legal strains. Stressor events can be lesbian two different categories first being eternal which would and the second being external that you would have normative-nonnormative; ambiguous- non ambiguous; rational- nonrational; chronic- acute; cumulative - isolated. so any affected coping patterns would be denial for him says rather short or long term and to premises avoiding or scapegoating. effective coping patterns wooden code development of strength likely to create a resistant family such as problem solving, celebrations, communications, good f
  Blog #7 Material Intimacy Today's blog is on a subject that is dear and close to both male and female. So on this subject of marital intimacy. This is the subject that where you should not be ashamed about and inquiring about directions and the content of the subject itself. There are different phases that we will be discussing, the first one ls excitement phase, the next is plateau with a third being orgasm. It was discussed at the excitement phase is when both the male and female start feeling asexual arousal. During the excitement phase the male pennis becomes engorged with blood and becomes erect. For the female most of the changes are done eternally. The vagina opening begins to expand and the muscles start relaxing. The female also starts secreting a fluid to allow insertion of the male pennis. Relaxation is also plays a part in the male penises ability to become erect. Anxiety is the downfall of a sexual response for either the male or female. For women the excitemen